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Leading Trader Updates Solana and Dogecoin Prospects, Says Ethereum-Based Altcoin Ready to Soar by Over 230 Percent - The Daily Hodl

A widely followed cryptocurrency trader and analyst is expressing bullish sentiment on a top-50 altcoin that’s currently under the radar.

The trader pseudonymously known as Bluntz tells his 228,900 followers on the X social media platform that the native asset of the liquid staking solution Lido DAO (LDO) is “going to turbo send” and revisit the record high of $7.30 – an increase of approximately 230% from the current level.

According to Bluntz, LDO has managed to flip multiple resistance levels to support zones, an indication of bullish momentum.

“There’s only so many support-resistance flips we can do before it just marks up and leaves those prior highs in the dust.”

Source: Bluntz/X

At time of writing, LDO is trading at $2.16.

Turning to the smart contract protocol Solana (SOL), Bluntz says that the altcoin may be gearing up to print a new 2023 high after witnessing a deep corrective move yesterday.

“Liquidations in [the last] 48 hrs have been larger than any of the dips [during] the entire run-up.

Allocated into to spot just in case, no leverage for now.” 

Source: Bluntz/X

Looking at the trader’s chart, he seems to predict that Solana may rally all the way up to about $76. At time of writing, SOL is worth $57.33.

On the largest memecoin by market cap, the pseudonymous analyst says that Dogecoin (DOGE) has broken out of a multi-week consolidation range and looks poised for a big run-up.

“I have seen these range breaks lead to big moves on all sorts of coins all week.” 

Source: Bluntz/X

Based on the trader’s chart, he appears to predict that DOGE will rally close to $0.13.  At time of writing, DOGE is worth $0.084.

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